Opening Prayer
Passionate God, Fulfiller of Promises, the fiery prophet Elijah will return to excite fiery passion, renew our hearts and call our attention to Your fulfilling actions. We see John the Baptist as Your new Elijah – he challenges us to focus our hearts, correct our ways, look with expectancy, and straighten a path for Jesus to our hearts. Help us to listen and change our hardened hearts. Ignite our hearts again. Excite our passion for You, for Your Son Jesus – and for Your Reign in the hearts of all people.
Today, in 1927, you are proclaimed the co-Patroness of the Missions, Great St. Therese. Your outreach to the ends of the earth is recognized. Because you embraced your vocation as “love in the heart of the Church”, you are as powerful as St. Francis Xavier who actually went to the foreign missions. Give us your outreaching heart and faith in the power of prayer and works of charity to activate God’s reign.
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