Wednesday of the Twenty-sixth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Job 9: 1-12, 14-16
Gospel Reading
Luke 9: 57-62

Opening Prayer

Strong God, You are our strength — You are our only hope! Give us the faith of Job, especially in turbulent times of terror. Empower us to know that You are working among us in mysterious ways, beyond human understanding, even though you remain anonymous. Teach us to name and see You! Keep us faithful in following Jesus, and not count the cost or look for weak excuses to compromise Your call and our commitment. In our weakness, we look for ways out, Lord. We don’t like to be inconvenienced, even by You! Even though you seem silent and invisible, I believe that You listen to me and touch my life experience. Thank You, Strong and Faithful One! Give us the simple faith of Francis, who embraced poverty because You are the true wealth, and embraced all creation because it is Yours.

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